One of the current challenges in astrochemistry is to follow the chemical composition of a starless core during its evolution towards a planetary system and identify, in primitive objects of the Solar System, residual materials from the original cloud. Nitrogen, the fifth most abundant element in the Universe, exists naturally as a highly volatile gas (N2, N) and a mixture of compounds of different volatility (NH3, HCN, HNC, etc).
The nitrogen volatile isotopologues in the protosolar nebula may have been fractionated with respect to the original interstellar material. In our Solar System, any object (besides Jupiter) is enriched in 15N compared to the protosolar nebula. Large excesses in 15N have been found in organic material of chondrites and interplanetary dust particles. Species in cometary coma also appear to be 15N enriched.
The variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition in Solar System objects may be caused by a variety of effects, including Galactic nucleosynthesis, photochemical self-shielding, spallation reactions caused by the irradiation of the young sun and low temperature chemistry. If the effects of these mechanisms are properly understood, the relative abundances and isotopic compositions of the different N-bearing species in various astronomical sources may provide useful clues to the physical origin and early evolution of the Solar System.
The purpose of this two-day workshop is to gather different communities (astronomers, chemists, physicists) working on the problem of nitrogen isotopic fractionation in the interstellar medium to discuss the current understanding of different fractionation mechanisms, the variations between the objects in our Solar System, the link between the problems of N- and D-fractionation and the challenges observationally, theoretical and experimental that we are facing.
The workshop is organised by Charlotte Vastel and Jes Jørgensen within the framework of EU/COST network CM-1401 "Our Astrochemical Heritage" and hosted by Centre for Star and Planet Formation and the Niels Bohr Institute at University of Copenhagen.
We aim for approximately 25
participants of which about 15 persons will be
reimbursed following the COST rules. To register
send a one page abstract to no later than
June 15th. The selection of
participants will be made shortly thereafter. In
your registration, please indicate whether you need
financial support from COST.
The scientific program for the workshop is organised by Charlotte Vastel and Jes Jørgensen. You can contact us through the E-mail below.
The workshop will be held at the Natural History Museum of Denmark located in the centre of Copenhagen. The museum is easily reached in about 15 minutes by Metro or regular train from Copenhagen Airport to Nørreport Station. We will not organise a block reservation of hotel rooms, but there are plenty of options in the vicinity of the museum. The workshop will start around 9am on Wednesday November 8th and end in the mid-afternoon on Thursday November 9th in order to ensure that the participants can catch flights back that same evening
In the evening of November 8th, we will organise a workshop dinner at the Natural History Museum sponsored by Centre for Star and Planet Formation.
09:00-09:45 | Nitrogen and carbon fractionation in space: a chemical approach | Loison |
09:45-10:30 | Models of nitrogen fractionation in depletion cores | Wirström |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:00-11:25 | Constraining the accretion regions of meteorite parent bodies via astrochemical modelling of protoplanetary disks | Ramsey |
11:25-12:00 | Discussion: what is needed in terms of models? | (Loison) |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00-13:45 | Submillimetre-wave spectroscopy or light nitrogen-bearing radicals and ions | Bizzochi |
13:45-14:30 | Submillimeterwave spectoscopy of N-bearing complex organic molecules in Lille | Margules |
14:30-15:00 | Final discussion: where do we go next? | (Vastel & Jørgensen) |